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Wanting to start a new business?

You know your industry inside and out, you have all the contacts, products, and know-how.

But then… boom, it’s tax time. Running your startup business becomes a mad scramble to find receipts, figure out what numbers to put where and what can be claimed as a tax deduction and what can’t.

Don’t let this be you!

Don’t make the same mistake that others do and leave everything to the last minute.

See us before you start your business, so that we can help you determine:

  • The optimum structure for your business to avoid paying more tax than you have to
  • What records you need to keep, how to not spend all of your time on bookkeeping, and how to avoid losing those loose paper receipts and ultimately, your tax deduction
  • How to use your financial records to make business decisions without all the guesswork

The difference between success and failure is planning. You need a business plan.

Know what you are going to do, how you are going to do it, and where your business is going to take you – before you even start. Unsure how to create an effective business plan? Let us help you.

We are particularly keen to help clients starting up their own businesses. We love things like setting up software, processes, and making sure the correct structure is set up from the beginning which can save you tax and stress in the long run.

Trust us, it is easier and cheaper to plan ahead and set everything up correctly from the beginning than to change it around later on.

Not sure what the correct structure for your business is? Contact us to find out.

Our full list of services and pricing is available to see how we can best help you.
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