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Do you know exactly where your business is headed and can you predict the future?

Black Cat Accounting does.

Black Cat Accounting’s business advisory helps you make the important decisions for your business and your life.

How much tax will you pay? What can you do to reduce your tax bill? Can you afford to buy a new car or put on a new employee? How much inventory do you need? How much cash will you have at some point in the future, and will it be enough to pay your bills? Will you be able to afford a holiday this year? All of these questions and more, can be answered with our business advisory service.

Cashflow reporting, forecasting and budgeting

What about the most common questions of them all… Sales are doing really well, why is there no money in the bank? Where is it all going?!

Too often in business, emphasis is placed on profit – increasing sales, reducing expenses. We think the key to success lies in maximising profit, and to a certain extent it does. But profit alone will not make your business successful. You can’t get anywhere without cash.

Research shows more than 60% of small businesses fail within their first three years.

Why do they fail? The number one issue isn’t profitability – it’s cashflow.

How promptly are your customers paying you? You may have a perfectly profitable business, but will you have enough cash in the bank to pay your bills when they are due?

Too many small businesses think that budgeting and managing business finances is only for large businesses.

Treat your small business like a large corporation, and you will have the best chance at not being in that 60% of businesses that go under.

With great profits comes great taxes. But how much? And how can you keep the amount of tax you need to pay, as low as legally possible?

Tax planning is typically done anywhere from April onwards, and is how we estimate your tax position for the year.

That’s nice (if a little boring), but then what?

Well, with that knowledge comes power.

Once we know where you currently sit, we can come up with strategies and scenarios to reduce your tax payable or increase your refund – all perfectly legally, of course.

We’ll tell you what will happen in scenarios like:

  • you contribute to super (pay yourself, rather than the taxman)
  • you purchase that new ute you’ve been wanting
  • you pay yourself a year end bonus

Tax law changes constantly and with each year, new rules pop up. Black Cat Accounting keeps up to date with all of them, to make sure that any new rules and ATO interpretations are complied with, and any new opportunities available to you are harnessed.

We really enjoy helping those who are new to business, and making things as simple for budding entrepreneurs as possible. We speak in plain English without jargon.

We are committed to delivering an easy and stress free experience for all our clients and believe that communication is fundamental to any business relationship.

Want to know how on track your goals are? Contact us to find out.

Our full list of services and pricing is available to see how we can best help you.
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